Die Rassebesten der Clubsieger-Jubiläumsschau 2019 Verl-Kaunitz am 20.01.2019

kaunitz2019 bob bec
BOB Bearded Collie: Firstprizebears Pike Peak

kaunitz2019 bob boc
BOB Border Collie: Simaro One In A Million

kaunitz2019 bob cok
BOB Collie Kurzhaar: Asa Nanica Deeply Needed

kaunitz2019 bob col
BOB Collie Langhaar: Quando of Castle Garden

kaunitz2019 bob oes
BIS und BOB Old English Sheepdog (Bobtail): Argovian Livin 'On Love

kaunitz2019 bob she
BOB Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie): Marsula Mikado by Tooralie

kaunitz2019 bob wcc
BOB Welsh Corgi Cardigan: Sunhill Gardens Edina with Hildas Mystery

kaunitz2019 bob wcp
BOB Welsh Corgi Pembroke: Y-Ddraig_Goch Obvious one of Tuur